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The Trouble
with Howard

Martin & T.J.’s
Race Car Repair

Mouse, the Man,
and the MGB

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Price: $18.50
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The Trouble with Howard

by Lee Anne Patterson

The Trouble with Howard is based on the real-life story of Howard and Anita Millican, racers who rescued a baby skunk on the way to the racetrack. They named him Trouble.

Trouble traveled with them to all the races. He dug in toolboxes, dove into coolers, and really liked hot dogs. With a skunk named Trouble at a racetrack, what could possibly go wrong?

This is a charming children’s book, reading level up to 8 years, with wonderfully humorous drawings. 

Hard cover, 44 pages.





Price: $9.95
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Martin & T.J.'s Race Car Repair

By Sue Kelly Hearn

Ages 4-8

Hold on tight! It's a racing adventure when Martin & T.J. are the only ones in the shop who know why the team's race car has stopped winning races. The pace picks up when these two clever mice take it upon themselves to repair the car in secret, but to their surprise they become stowaways on an unexpected trip to the speedway. Young race fans will be delighted to discover a tool search challenge at the back of the book.

Hard cover, 9¼” x 9¼”, 32 pages

Price: $9.95
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Mouse, the Man, and the MGB

by Wayne Truax

Illustrated by Andrew Black

A fun and inspiring story about curiosity, overcoming challenges, working together, and developing friendships.

This is wonderfully illustrated heart-tugging children's story about a curious and courageous little mouse who falls in love with an old car, and the challenges he faces when he tries to help. 

 Written as a reminder that when little ones watch from a distance, they may just be waiting to be invited to share in the very thing we enjoy. 

Readers young and old, especially MGB enthusiasts, will enjoy just turning the pages to look at the illustrations. 

Soft cover, 44 pages, full page illustrations. 
