

Price: $39.95
From Turkey Farm to Race Track, to Shopping Mall in 30 Hot, Cold,
and Dusty Years
by Dave Wolin
history of the legendary road course that defined racing in Southern
California racing.
Volume One covers the construction, early pro races, the USRRC, the
Can Am and Single Seat Can Am, Formula One, Midgets, Sprints and Go
Karts, Indy Cars, Formula 5000, other happenings at the track - and
a chapter on crooks and criminals.
Written in scrapbook style, full of newspaper and magazine articles,
photos and stories from those who were there. Autographed by the
author; comes with a DVD of all the photos and newspaper/ magazine
articles in the book, plus interviews, films and an assortment of
cover, 484 pages.

Price: $39.95
From Turkey Farm to Race Track, to Shopping Mall in 30
Hot, Cold, and Dusty Years
Dave Wolin
history of the legendary road course that defined racing in Southern
California racing.
Volume Two covers Stock Car
Racing, the Trans Am, IROC, Off Road Racing, Drag Racing, Club
Racing, Workers, Motorcycles, Movies and Other Events, plus comments
from those who were there.
Written in scrapbook style, full of newspaper and magazine articles,
photos and stories. Autographed by the author; comes with a DVD of
all the photos and newspaper/magazine articles in the book plus
interviews, films and an assortment of videos.
cover, 552 pages.

Price: $29.95
The History of
America’s Speedways Past and Present, 4th edition (2017)
Allan E. Brown
The new
edition of the History of America’s Speedway, Past & Present is now
available. This 900-page, library-quality hard cover book is one of
the most unusual books available, and an invaluable resource for
researchers and history buffs.
The new edition lists information on over 9,000 auto
racing facilities, including oval tracks, dragstrips and road
courses. It’s been 14 years since the popular book was lasted
updated. The 2017 edition lists 1,000 more tracks than the 2003
The book includes the years each track operated,
the various sizes, as well of the various names that each facility
operated as. Tidbits about some of the tracks are included, along
with over 700 photos spread throughout and articles on the various
types of tracks and types of race cars covered.
Hard cover,
900 pages.

Price: $34.95
Special: $24.95
History of Auto Racing in New England
- A Project of the
North East Motor Sports Museum
There has never
been a book like this one, a carefully researched and written
biography of automobile racing in New England.
A History of Auto Racing in New England
celebrates the colorful past of racing cars in the six states on
road courses, up mountains, along the ocean’s beaches, around dirt
and paved ovals, and down strips of concrete and asphalt.
More than the cars, we
have focused on the people who drove them and those who created the
stages on which the drivers exhibited their courage and their skill.
The early races that make up much of the book were profoundly
dangerous; participation required abnormal courage. As we celebrate
the winners, we mourn with the families and friends of those who
paid racing’s ultimate price.
A few have become wealthy
beyond their wildest dreams through New England racing. The majority
have participated for the love of going fast, the joy of turning
wrenches while looking for more speed or better handling or to hear
the cheers of the crowd following a winning Saturday night or Sunday
Go inside this book’s covers to discover how
racing in New England has made so many lives more thrilling and
fulfilling – and in ways that could never happen again.
Proceeds benefit NEMSM.
Hard cover, 400+ B&W
photos, 304 pages.